Thursday, September 22, 2011

More from our 50th Reunion

Class of 1961  (42)
Spencer  Smith and wife Rosemary

Class of 1961  (15)
Marilyn Rossing

Class of 1961  (11)
Steve Roberts and wife Diane

Class of 1961  (10)
Anita Windorski

Class of 1961  (34)
Sue (Hayes) and Jay Olson.  Many thanks to Jay for getting the word out!

Class of 1961  (36)
Maxine  and Nancy

Class of 1961  (28)
Richard Gryczkowski  and wife Sherri Weitgenant

Class of 1961  (27)
Richard Daniels and wife Sharon



Even More Pictures



Joan (Olson) and husband Jim Rezek


Roland (Red) Skillings and wife Sherry


Jack McCarty


Former lab partners, Charlotte (Skog) Norman and Pat Henkel


Art and Nancy, co-conspirators on the reunion


Shirley (Sheffield) and husband Ray Benitez



Coach Barnette and Lois Allen. Thanks to coach for all the help contacting faculty!


Our gracious hostess and guides for the school tour:

Margaret Leibfried, Principal and four of her 8th graders

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Our 50th Reunion was a big hit!


Class of 1961  (18)

Class of 1961  (4)

Do you recognize yourself and friends here?


Homecomming 1961

Sue Hayes, our Homecoming Queen and her court 1961


Fridley Class Reunion 1961  June 8 2011 034

Random photos, courtesy of Nancy Keyes.


Fridley Class Reunion 1961  June 8 2011 020

Ron Bellows cruised down from Sitka.


Fridley Class Reunion 1961  June 8 2011 001

Coach Meyers and Ernie greet in the parking lot.  Art seems to have lost his keys!

Class of 1961  (35)

Barb, Ron and Nancy shared memories.


Class of 1961  (14)

Mary and Ernie enjoying a good laugh together.


Class of 1961  (9)

Vicki has much in common with our teachers, having retired as a career teacher.

Fridley Class Reunion 1961  June 8 2011 021

Dr. Paul Bloom waiting to break into a faculty discussion.


Class of 1961  (49)

Mrs. and Mr. Flood.  Thanks for sharing him with us Ruth!


Fridley Class Reunion 1961  June 8 2011 031

Red, Risto and Art shared a few stories.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Random Reunion Pictures

imageIIn the Library
Left to Right:  Vicki, Jay, Risto, Ernie, Steve, Pat, Spencer, Max, Sue, Art, Nancy, Bob Barnette, Jack, Barb, Don Meyers, Miriam, Charlotte, Ron
Shorewood, lakeside at Moore Lake
                   Back in the halls after 50 years!
Nancy found her locker, but her books were missing!
It seems that the baskets are higher these days!
It seems this jacket shrunk after all those years in the closet
Anita and Miriam reconnect in the foreground while John Flood and Walt Wenholz discuss old times with the Allen’s.