Thursday, May 5, 2011

Art Olstead Update

Upon graduation from the University of Minnesota BA, in June 1966 - major History, Minor speech - I enlisted in the Army and graduated from Officer Candidate School at Fort Knox, KY. Trained as a tank platoon leader, I was assigned as speech writer for the Commanding General and Staff at Hunter Army Airfield, Savannah, Georgia and served until June 1969.

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                                     Art at work in Grandpa’s Office  

Carolyn Wagnild consented to marriage after I received my commission in May 1967. We have two daughters; Alisa married to Crawford Keys with two grandchildren Parker Lily and Bennett Cooper; Deanna married to Ted Roduner in 2008. They have one Golden Doodle, and two careers, Deanna with Adobe and Ted with Microsoft.

I entered the life insurance business as a wholesaler in 1969. Olstead and Associates, Inc., a general agency was formed in 1976. Continental Casualty Company recruited me in 1989 and I retired as a regional (MN, ND, SD, IA and WI) Vice President in November 1999.

We moved to our lake home near Finlayson in 2000 and have been busy. Carrie volunteers with two hospital auxiliaries, Friends of the Sandstone Library, Sandstone Quarry Lions and a couple of local ladies groups. I am involved with the Finlayson-Giese Lions and Friends of the Sandstone Library.

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                                Keys’, Olstead’s and Roduner’s

Left to right: Cooper, Crawford, Carrie, Deanna, Parker, Alisa, Art, Ted

We keep ourselves occupied traveling to visit our daughters who live on opposite coasts. Carrie and I enjoy golf, camping and skiing. An incurable history buff, I take every opportunity to visit Civil War and Revolutionary period sites when we travel.

Life is good, thanks partly to a great start at Fridley High School and the guidance of John Flood, Beatrice Ogren, Eunice Grier and Verna Maas who taught me to document my assertions. Coaches Dick Donlin, Bob Barnette and Harold Beck taught perseverance and discipline; lessons well worth learning.

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