Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hank Barr Update

I stay very busy teaching for a number of chapters in Washington and Oregon of a professional organization (APICS-The Association for Operations Management) and for Tacoma Community College.

I have two daughters who live with their families in the Twin Cities. I am retired from the Air Force (1966 – 1986) where most of the time I was involved with Logistics management. I had long assignments in Northern Michigan (twice- first as enlisted and years later as a commissioned officer), Alaska (twice – Elmendorf AFB in Anchorage where most of the time I was the Stock Fund Manager for the Alaskan Air Command and years later as the Chief of Supply at King Salmon AFS), Grand Forks AFB North Dakota (as an ICBM launch control center commander and munitions accountable supply officer), at Langley AFB VA as Director of Logistics Support for what was then Tactical Air Command’s Communications and Computers Division; and, I had several relatively short assignments to various places (England, Scotland, Spain, the Azores, Germany, Egypt and Panama). Since retiring from the Air Force in 1986 I have lived in Montgomery Alabama, Minneapolis Minnesota, Vancouver Washington and now (since 1994) in Gig Harbor Washington. I have a small cabin cruiser and like to spend part of my free time exploring, camping and fishing in the Puget Sound area and I also go elk hunting in the fall in the Wenatchee Mountains of Eastern Washington.


Hank Barr, CFPIM, CSCP, C.P.M., CSCM, Six Sigma Black Belt, CLT

APICS Puget Sound Chapter – Instructor and Director of Education

Logistics Instructor for Tacoma Community College; Advisor to UW Continuing Education Program in Contracts Management

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