Thursday, May 5, 2011

Donna Swedberg Update

Donna (Swedberg) Bonson

I have been living in Ft. Collins, Colorado for almost 17 years. I am still working part time in Internal Medicine and still enjoy the patients and the medical world. My husband passed away in 2009 and I have had to adjust to being single after 42 wonderful years of marriage. Our three children are all over the US and Europe.

Our oldest son David gave us two granddaughters (5 ½ and 4 ½) and there is a grandson on the way in July. They live in the bay area of California.

We have two grandsons (9 and 6) from our second son Scott living in Louisiana. Our daughter Debra is single and teaching English in the American International School in Budapest, Hungary. I will be traveling to Hungary and will not be able to attend the reunion.

That about sums up my life, work, wonderful family, friends, and travel; I still find it amazing that it has been 50 years since we walked the halls of Fridley High. Have fun and enjoy the reunion!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Donna,
    I've Googled you several times, with no success. Fire me an email, if you've a mind to. I'd love to be in touch!
    Mary Petrangelo Kowit
