Thursday, May 5, 2011

Joan Klopfer Update

Joan Klopfer (Pike)

Hi to all my former classmates! Fifty years already…where did that time go? It seems like yesterday and I still see you all as teenagers with our whole lives before us. Remember when we could hardly wait to be older. And now, here we are fifty years later, those of us who are fortunate enough to still be here. We have sadly lost so many for such a small class.



                                   Husband Willy and Joan

Here is a quick catch up on my life. After high school I attended St. Cloud State for awhile. Did clerical work at Prudential, became a dental assistant for a few years. At age 21 I became a mother to my wonderful son, John. We continued to live in Fridley, until 1972,, when we moved to Balsam Lake ,WI. I have had several kinds of jobs over the years. I have done restaurant cooking, bartended and was the head cook and set up the food program for the Polk County Sheriff’s Dept. My favorite was owning and operating an old fashioned Ice Cream, candy and gift shop for 9 years.

I have been blessed with a great son and two wonderful grandsons. Blake , the oldest graduates next month and Logan, the younger is 15 now. They are truly the best accomplishments in my life.


                      Left to right:  Logan, son John and Blake

I have made many friends over the years and kept some lifelong ones. I was fortunate to find the love of my life and spend 20 years together before he passed away after a four year battle with cancer. My father passed away in 2000, my mother in 2002 and my husband in 2009. So, now I am an orphan and a widow.



                         Logan                                 Blake

I live a small life in a small town and can’t imagine it gets better than this. I live across the street from the lake and love it. I still love animals. Have six house cats and a golden retriever. Outside, I care for two feral cats, birds, squirrels, 24 deer, occasional raccoons, foxes and even sometimes a black bear likes to visit. I can’t believe there is anywhere prettier to live and look forward to each season change and the beauty they each bring.

I like to take walks, work in the yard, do lake stuff in the summer, cook and bake , knit, play cards and backgammon, do some drawing, visit my friends, play with all my critters and spend time with my son and grandsons.

I live a peaceful, content life, with lots of love given and gotten. I am truly grateful to the Lord for all the blessings I have been given, including good health.


I wish for all of you, health and happiness of heart. I would love to see any of you. If you’re ever in my neck of the woods, the door is always open…….Love, Joanie

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