Thursday, May 5, 2011

Maxine Clough Boone Update


About the first 15 years after school I was heavy into sports. Couples softball, couples volleyball (regular and power) couples bowling, women’s regular and straight away bowling.; two, three times a week, night and day. Well, I had a car accident that broke my hand and totaled my car and that put an end to my sports. My knee was jammed into the steering column.


I've put on a lot of weight because of my lack of exercise. Although I worked as the playground director for Fridley for thirteen years, with 35 people to supervise, and supervised the boy's summer baseball program with 5,000 kids. That summer I went to college for the first at age 29 and later graduated with High Distinction. Funny, I never thought I was a college student. Anyway Washburn Child Guidance Center hired me as development teacher in the high risk school and also made me a co-chair of the Infant Stimulation Program and a counselor for about 7 students that had behavior and learning problems. I also had to learn to drive the school bus every few quarters. After that I decided I needed something different and so I started working at Land O'Lakes. I worked there for thirteen years from part time secy to the big wigs to working in Public Relations as a Member Services Specialist putting on both the Minnesota and South Dakota State Fair Dairy Displays hiring all staff, choosing handouts and giveaways, assigning Dairy Reps as well as office personnel.

I've had a lot of enjoyments in all my work learning different things. Now I have just a little white hair and the rest on the blond side. I also have a brain tumor which has to be checked every year. I love to travel and have been to every state except Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Alabama and Louisiana.

Give me a call sometime; I'd love to have lunch with a number of you 763-784-6999. I have two kids and six grandkids through marriage, adoption and blood.

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